Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Tip!

If there is any truth behind the universe being able to play a joke, then I'm currently the butt of it...and I'm not laughing...well, maybe today I did. 

A few weeks ago I told you that I have several tips in cue but then today happened, and I simply stared at the list with absolutely no desire to share any of them. From the number of women I speak with, I have been able to understand that we all go through a period of time when we question everything. Sometimes it's not a matter of low self esteem, it can be simply a matter of feeling unappreciated. That is when the questioning starts.

I wonder if I stopped doing this [insert anything here], would anybody even notice?

The list of questions can go on and on.  Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

Goodness. I asked Debbie Downer to move out of my house this morning. She was no longer welcome.  I even helped her pack her bags. Then I shouted,

"Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!"

Yes. Yes I did. REAL loud too.

Don't worry. The neighbors had already left for work.

Moving on.

Since lunchtime was upon us, I opted to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches -- a crowd favorite. I reached up for the bread basket and it came tumbling down on me. Flat bread, tortillas, hoagie rolls, sandwich bread, rice cakes...the whole lot of them. When I say "bread basket", I mean family-style-holds-all-of-our-perishable-eat-them-soon-bread.

And we eat a lot of it.



On me.

The children thought it was funny. 

Maybe I did too.

Next, for some reason I decided to open the freezer.  At this point I don't remember why but I do know that I did.  Guess what.  Our ice maker started spitting ice cubes at me. 

Yes. Yes it did.

Now the children are really laughing...and hard.

And so am I.

Needless to say, I never did make those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Instead, I opted to bring out all the cut up fruit we had.  I served them into bowls and topped with whipped cream.  The children squealed with delight and we had so much fun.  As a matter of fact, as I type this out I can still hear them laughing hard and playing.

So my Tuesday Tip is probably the most practicle I can ever give:

Life may be a bowl of cherries but sometimes you really just need a little whipped cream.

No matter what you are doing in the kitchen or out, you need to try to remember to enjoy yourself. Be thankful for everything you have, no matter how small or insignificant you may think it is. Celebrate every success -- even the little ones.  Because if you spend your time looking down at what has fallen all around you, you might forget to look up and miss the beauty all around you.

And that's no joke.

Well maybe this Redskin's chef hat is.

Goodness he's so stinkin' cute.

Happy Baking!


  1. My heart skipped a beat when you said you asked Debbie Downer to leave your house this morning. I thought, "Wow, how does she know her? And why was she there? And was she so horrible that she was asked to leave?" You see...I once knew someone named Debbie Downer! She was in my small group years ago! Seriously that was her name!

  2. Oh, Lisa. Leeeesssssa. How do you always know what to say and when to say it?

  3. Sounds like you had a day like my burnt biscuits day! But glad Debbie is outta there. She's no friend anyway- too much of a party pooper. Love that you got some much-needed laughs, which are the best medicine, right? ;)


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