Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday Tip!

Is it bad of me that I find today's Tuesday Tip! totally boring.  I mean who really wants to wait around for anything that isn't exciting?  Not me. But alas...[sigh]

Room temperature.

Yup. That's it. A waiting game.

Waiting for ingredients to come to room temperature is a boring, boring, boring...waiting game. They say  (who are "they" anyway?) that great things come to those who wait.  And I guess, "they" are correct because waiting is like watching your garden grow...

And then enjoying it's harvest...

Or waiting can be testing to make sure the chocolate is ready...

...not a minute too soon (or late) before the cookies can be added...

then wait some more...


 Or wait until the chocolate sets up...

For fun MANLY birthday cupcakes!

Waiting can even be while the smells make your mouth water and you wonder WHEN OH WHEN will these herb buns be ready to bake?!

And then they are...and you do.

MMMMmmmmm....those are not biscuits ladies and gentlemen. Those are herb rolls I had to do all sorts of things to and....wait. But then when I finally got to bake them and serve them up for dinner HOT with butter...[fainted]

So this is my Tuesday Tip!  When getting ready to bake, unless your recipe says otherwise, bring your ingredients to room temperature first before assembling.  It really makes a noticeable difference in the end product especially when NOT waiting can actually cause some recipes to completely fail.

Now that my work is done here, I no longer have to wait. Everything is at room temperature, just as it should be. Ahhh...life is good. 

Happy Baking!


  1. Ack! But I don't like to wait! However, when I wait and am patient, good things happen. Hmmm....

  2. I see this on cooking shows a lot and have always wondered why to do this. But I'll just trust you and do it from now on! ;)


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